Baby Shower By Mail

by Maggie

My sister lives in Florida, but all of her friends and family live in New Jersey (near me). She is unable to travel due to a high risk pregnancy. My family and her boyfriend's family don't know each other at all, so I'm reluctant to hold the shower without her present. If I were to go ahead and hold a shower in NJ and video tape it for her, can I write on the invitation, please have gifts shipped to her address? If I fly down to Florida, it would be a very small shower (maybe 5 people).

I just can't think of how in the world I can throw a shower for her? Help?

Our Answer

Hi Maggie,

A long distance baby shower would be the perfect way to help your sister feel love and support as she gets ready to welcome in her new baby. This is one situation that you will have to explain a little about the baby shower so they know what to expect.

I like to read up about wording ideas and I came across one on all a few months ago that probably would work well in your situation. It was something to the effect of...

It's A Baby Shower...By Mail

You've heard of mail order brides, right?

Well, now we have a mail order mommy-to-be and we are showering her with gifts.

We wish you, as one of (mom's name) favorite people, could be here to share in her excitement.

Then you can have something like...

(mom's name) is registered at Target. You are free to bring gifts, gift cards or registry items to send off to the mom to be.

We will be videotaping the party and wrapping the gifts there to help her feel that the baby shower is coming to her. Hope to see you there!

Please call (hostess's name) with any questions.

Videotaping is crucial to the baby shower by mail theme. You can videotape special messages from the guests to her. Something that would be fun is to have her boyfriend pick up a small cake for her to enjoy as she watches the party.

Another idea is to have her take pictures before she unwraps it and then with the presents after she wraps it. Then when she sends out the thank you notes, she can send the pictures with the notes.

Hope that helps! Good luck planning the baby shower!

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Skype ... A Great Solution
by: Anonymous

You could have gifts arrive at the mother-to-be's home prior to the day of the party and then Skype her for the party. That way the guests get to see her open the gifts and the new mom gets to see her friends and family. We Skyped quite often for holidays while my nephew was out of the country. He was even included in our prayer circle at Thanksgiving. We just brought the laptop over and he held up his hand while someone put their hand on the computer screen. With today's technology, it's easy to include those who are far away in miles but very close to your heart.

Thank you!
by: Tare

That was so helpful, I had a similar dilemma and this is how I worded it thanks to you:

we're honoring (mommy) by having a mail order mommy-to-be shower and as one of her favorite people we invite you. you are free to send gifts, gift cards, diapers and formula to: (address)

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