Make Them All Green with the Frog Baby Shower Theme!
Hop on over to see these great frog baby shower theme ideas!
Frog Invitation:
Cut green foam sheets into the shape of a frog. Glue wiggly eyes on the frog and use curling ribbon for the tongue. Tie a pink or blue ribbon around the neck depending if the baby is a boy or girl.
You are invited to hop on down to (Hostess's name)'s toadstool. There is a frog celebration for the new baby tadpole coming to (dad's name) and (mom's name) family. It will be a jumping good time for everyone!
Frog Baby Shower Theme Invitations:
Games and Activities:
Guess the flies in the jar- you can have this set up on a table as guests start to arrive. Fill a jar full of fake flies and have slips ready for the guests to guess the amount of flies in the jar.
Outside game-(good for co-ed parties) I call it Fly Swat. Divide group into 2 swat teams. Give them all fly swatters and play volleyball using a balloon.
Hop Toadstools- Play the "I've never game." Start with one less chair than the amount of players. The person in the middle will say something they have never done. All the players in the circle that have done whatever it is will have to get up and race to another chair. Whoever does not get a chair will have to say something they have never done.
This is a great activity for learning more about each other. It will get especially interesting when it gets to skinny dipping and stuff like that. All of a sudden, you will know more than you would have thought possible about your guests! The game ends when you decide.
Weigh your bucket of Flies (supplies)- Just for the fun of it; put a scale in the middle of the room a little before this activity begins. Your guests will be nervously eyeing it hoping that you are not going to make them weigh themselves. Before you begin, bring a bucket in the room and turn it upside down. The bucket can be decorated by gluing fake flies to it. Put the scale on top of it and explain that for this game, everyone is going to weigh their bucket of flies.
The bucket of flies (supplies) is really their purse. The person with the heaviest purse is deemed the most prepared of the group and they get a prize.
What makes this activity fun is the fact that a lot of mothers end up turning their diaper bag into their purse. A diaper bag will win over a purse in weight any day.
You can also give them a certificate of being the most prepared.
Frog Theme Food:
When you are throwing a frog baby shower theme, a green color palate is fun to use! Lily pad or frog shaped cookies, grasshopper pie, frog eyed salad, pistachio salad, any type of green salad, green m&ms, green Jell-o or dirt cake.
Use green food coloring to make your food green with delight!
Frog Baby Shower Theme Decorations:
Think green with the decorations. You can place frogs around the room. Greenery and water would also work as good decorations.
At the food table you can add raisins here or there to make it look like flies!
Frog Theme Decorations from Our Favorite Stores:
Frog Baby Shower Theme Centerpiece:
You can make a cake that looks like a frog by using a circle cake pan, 2 smaller cupcake molds and an 8 inch square cake pan. Place the cooled large circle cake on a cake base and use the 2 cupcakes for eyes. Then cut the square cake into 2 L shaped legs and attach at the bottom. Decorate with green frosting.
Frog Baby Shower Theme Diaper Cakes:
Don't forget to check out the cute frog diaper cake section in the diaper cake gallery! We have some great ideas for decorating your diaper cake.
Frog Baby Shower Theme Favors:
Plastic frogs, a box of raisins, etc.
Froggy Mood Music-
Play a nature cd with frogs on it.
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