Celebrate Aloha with a Hawaiian Baby Shower

Aloha! Welcome to my Hawaiian theme page! It is my hope that these creative ideas help make your baby shower a luau of fun!
Baby Shower Invitations:
Make the background for your Hawaii invitation by using a Hawaiian print such as palm trees, coconuts or the ocean. Cut each 8x11 page into 4 square invitations.
Print out the invitation on a white piece of paper and glue to the center of the background. Using Hawaiian clip art or stickers, embellish your invitation to create a Hawaiian theme.
Aloha friends! Come help us celebrate the new baby on its way with a Hawaiian baby shower! Come dressed for fun with any Hawaiian attire you might have. Mahalo!
Then list the essential information such as: place, time, parent's names, hostess info, etc.
Baby Shower Activities:
Aloha Greetings- Greet your guests the Hawaiian way. Give each guest a huge "ALOHA" and give them a flower lei as they arrive. Round up some lava lavas or sarongs from friends and neighbors if possible for your guests to wear and get into the Aloha spirit.
Give each guest a flower to wear behind their ear. In Hawaiian style it will go behind the left ear if they are married and the right ear if they are single.
To keep with Hawaiian tradition- have guests take off their shoes before entering the party.
If you do not have a traditional Hawaiian sign- make your own and hang it just outside the door. This will help the guests to know that they need to remove their shoes when entering the house.
Aloha Please Remove Your Shoes Mahalo
If there is more than one hostess, have one write down the first name of each guest as they arrive. The other person can look up the Hawaiian version of their names here to make their name tags. Everyone must call each other by their Hawaiian name during the shower.
Translations- You can make a fun little activity for your guests by translating Hawaiian names, or items into the traditional Hawaiian language. Give some hints at the top so it is not too hard. You can do a match up sheet that lists Hawaiian words on one side and the corresponding item on the other. The person that guesses the most correct wins a prize. Here is a great database of Hawaiian meanings.
Baby Shower Games:
Baby bottle drinking contest- Add a Hawaiian twist to this game by filling the baby bottles with pineapple juice. You can choose a few people to play the game or buy enough bottles to have everyone try it. The person who finishes the pineapple juice first will win a prize.
Memory Tray- Play the memory game Hawaiian style! Bring out a tray with Hawaiian items on it. Give everyone 10-15 seconds to look at the items. Then take them away and see how many items people guess correctly.
Pictionary- Split the group into 2 teams. Use a dry erase board with markers or big sheets of paper for this game. Have a box or basket ready for each team. In the container, place pieces of paper with Hawaiian items and actions on them.
Each team gets a set amount of time to try to draw the item for the others to guess. If they guess in the set amount of time they get a point. The team with the most points at the end wins.
Baby Shower Food:
Make your festivity complete with a Hawaiian style luau!
Some good ideas would be pineapple upside down cake, Hawaiian coleslaw-(add pineapple to normal coleslaw), pina coladas-virgin of course!(or another fruity tropical drink), pineapple sherbet, pineapple meatballs, sweet and sour pork, Hawaiian haystacks, etc. Anything fruity or tropical would probably work fine to go with the Hawaiian theme.
Make a delicious banana dessert to serve with ice cream. Melt butter in a saucepan and add brown sugar to it to make a syrup glaze. Slice up a few bananas and place in the saucepan, coating both sides. Serve warm with ice cream.
Decorate the room with colored Christmas lights. Cut out palm trees from colored paper and tape to the walls. Add tiki torches. (Do not light them unless they are placed outside). Add any Hawaiian items to the room to complete the look.
Use streamers or a fish style shower curtain to cover the entrance door.
Decorating your food and gift tables- Spread sand down the middle of the table. Decorate the table using orchid flowers and lei leaves (if available). Add sea shells and little umbrellas to give it a tropical look. Place coconuts and pineapples as decorations down the middle of the table.
Tape a grass skirt for the food and gift tables.
Watermelon Baby Carriage- Make a watermelon baby carriage and fill full of fresh fruit.
Volcano Cake- What is Hawaii without the volcanoes?
Make a volcano cake for your centerpiece by using a Bundt cake pan or another rounded cooking dish. After you have formed the volcano, cut a hole in the center for the lava. Frost the cake using brown frosting. Use red tinted frosting or pudding to drizzle down the sides to make it look like lava.
Favors and Prizes:
Prizes- Give Hawaiian treats by using candy or foods with coconut or pineapple in it. Some ideas would be almond joy, mounds, pineapple juice, mambo chews, and macaroons.
Favor- Give guests a Take 5 candy bar with a cute attached note:Thanks for coming to the baby shower. Here is a little reminder of the Hawaiian lifestyle to take home with you. Take 5 and "Hang loose". Love (hostess, parents) and new baby on its way!
Ambiance- Play Hawaiian music or ocean sounds. Rock a hula baby by Elvis might also work.
One more thing...make sure to tell your guests Mahalo (thank you) for coming!
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