Inviting Long Distance Friends And Family

by Rachel
(United States)

I am hosting, with two other friends, a baby shower for our dear friend who is expecting her first. We are not sure what to do about inviting guests we know are too far away to attend.

Is it rude to invite them - does it just seem like a none-too-clever request for another gift? Is it rude NOT to invite them? Should we just invite them and let them make their own decisions? Thanks for any help you can offer!

Our Answer:

Hi Rachel. Thanks for your etiquette question.

I would keep the out of town guest list down to immediate family and very close friends.

This group of people are the ones that would love to be involved in the celebration and would not be offended by an invitation to a baby shower that is too far for them to attend.

Giving guests the opportunity to show up if they would like is very considerate and most likely will not look like a money grab.

Any other people who she has a good relationship with but is not as close with, should be sent birth announcements once the baby is born.

If the out of town guests have questions they can always contact you from the RSVP information.

Good Luck with planning the shower!

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by: Emily

Thank you for the advice! My family lives in another state and I wasn't sure whether to send them invitations or not. I will send them to my parents and siblings and send birth announcements to everyone else. Thanks for the help!

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