Remember The Good Years Baby Shower

by Anna S.
(Baltimore MD USA)

remember the good years baby shower

This Remember the Good Years theme was one for a friend. It started with an invite to come to the house for unexpected fun. It starts with each person coming in and getting there own personal guess the date birth certificate. Next the games begin.

Slowly you play games and all that relate to each year finally it's the 21st year and gifts for adulthood which is when the mother to be open the gifts. I will follow with a list of the games played and there order.

0-guess the date birth certificate- Everyone is given a birth certificate to guess the baby's birth date
1- baby food fear factor- See who eats baby food the fastest
2- potty patrol- Sponge race with kids toilets
3- three little pigs. Best baby doll rapped in blanket
4-Pick Up Stix -game of Pick Up Stix
5- I'm a big Girl now- guess mommy's tummy size
6-bobbing for apples
7- i spy -baby item themed eye spy
8-scavenger hunt - baby items
9-my first pet- name as many animals
10-musical chairs
11-dance dance revolution- Best dance moves
12-truth or dare
13- magazine baby -cut pictures from magazines to look like baby
14-sit down fast
15-eating never stops- eat regular food
16-sweet sixteen- eat cake
17-cheerleading- best cheer for the mother to be
20- my first job-Talk about first job to see who had the weirdest.
21-gifts for adult hood- mother opens gifts

Brings back memories to all guests. Cool if you require pictures of guests as babies.

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Mar 05, 2012
Sounds Fun!
by: Jane

I really like your idea! I think I am going to do a spin off your theme. Our "good years" were in the 80's so I am throwing an 80's baby shower for a good friend of mine. We are having everyone dress up for a good 80's dance party. Hot pink and high hair...oh yeah! I've been stocking up on as much fun stuff from the era as possible so I can have great prizes and favors for the guests. I think I am going to ask the guests to bring pictures like you did, but I want it to be of us in middle school. It is sure to bring some good laughs and memories. So excited!

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