Sibling wanting (expecting) a baby shower

by Christine

My 8 year old daughter is anticipating a partyfor her new sibling. I, personally, think showers for subsequent kids are strange, particularly when this will be our 5th child, and I've only had a shower for our first born. She, however, is very excited and I'm thrilled that she is pleased about having a younger sibling, and don't want her to be disappointed.

Can you suggest a less formal celebration I could provide to appease her? And, how could I, being the expectant mother, present it to potential guests?

Our Answer:

Hi Christine,

What a sweet daughter you have! I love that she is so excited for the new baby coming to the family. I have the perfect solution for you. Throw what is called a "sip and see" or "meet and greet" for the baby once it arrives. As the mother-to-be, this is the only acceptable baby shower that can be thrown by you. You can also have a relative or close friend help you with it.

It basically is an open house that you host for friends and family to come and see the new baby and wish the family well. Gifts are not required at this party but most of the time guests bring something out of love for the new baby.

If you have family around and want it to be a family only affair, that's ok too. This type of party is more laid back. You offer refreshments and drinks and everyone chats and enjoys the company of others. With it being an open house, they can come and go as they please without feeling rude.

You can have the invitations say something like...

(Your daughter's name) has a new (sister, brother)!
Please join us for a Sip and See,
In celebration of (baby's name).

I hope that helps. Good luck with your pregnancy!

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My kids want a baby shower too
by: Jackie

I'm pregnant with my 3rd child (surprise) and 3 weeks from my scheduled C-section. My 7 year old daughter and 5 year old son want me to have a shower. They have asked me several times about it and I've sent them to their dad and grandma. I'm thinking with only 3 weeks left, no one is doing anything. I am going to use the wording above to host a "come meet my sibling" party (with some help from my mom). Nothing fancy, maybe more like an open house. I just can't stand the thought of my kids being disappointed. Thanks for the help!

How about a family party
by: Julie- Ann

I don't know how much family you have around you, but you can have a special family party to celebrate the new baby. Even if you just have your immediate family available, (a 5th child means 4 older siblings :-) ) you can do something fun as a family. It can be a "Sibling Celebration" or something fun like that. All of the siblings can get involved and share advice, cards and love to the baby. Hopefully something like that will appease her if she doesn't end up getting a baby shower for the new baby.

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