A Baby Blocks Baby Shower
by Milah
(United States)

HELP, I'm hosting a backyard shower for my friend in late June. We don't know the gender of the baby. The theme is baby blocks, but I wasn't sure how to put the "wow" in baby blocks.
Our Answer:
Hi Milah,
A baby blocks baby shower theme sounds fun! I looked online and found lots of fun ways to be creative with this theme.
In our celebrity baby shower section, I talk about how P. Diddy Combs used baby blocks as the invitations for his baby shower when his wife had twin girls. They used Egba Originals with custom designs classy invitation blocks for the celebrities.
If that is out of your price range, you can find blocks at a craft store and create labels on them with the baby shower information. You can also use normal invitations with baby blocks on them.
Here is some sample wording:
It's a block party! Join us in celebrating the new little boy...or girl coming to the (names) family.
Tiny prints also has a cute selection of block themed baby shower invitations.
Decorations - You can pull in some side themes if you need something more to help the decorating. Some themes that come to mind are reading railroad, western (since it is outside)or the ABC blocks. Balloons and crepe paper can add a lot to your decorations. If the backyard baby shower is held at time you can add Christmas lights and candles to make it feel cozy. If you decide to pull in a side theme you can add decorations from those ideas...like hay bales for western or a reading railroad train on the food table with blocks on it.
Baby block themed crafts and centerpieces:
baby blocks craft
ABC wooden blocks
clear ABC blocks
If you or a close friend or family member know a little about cake decorating, you could make a baby blocks cake. Or you can have a normal sheet cake with baby blocks on it.
You can also pick up some great deals on block favors on Ebay.
Best of Luck with your baby shower planning!
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