Baby Shower For Twins?

by Jennifer

Do women generally have another baby shower after they have had 1 child (1 shower) if they are now expecting twins the second time around?

Our Answer:

Hi Jennifer,

Yes, it is ok to have a baby shower for a second pregnancy. In fact, all children deserve to be celebrated. Depending on the needs and circumstances of the new mom, there are different types of baby showers you can have. In this case, the new mom will definitely need help with supplies, since twins will require her to buy another set of baby gear items.

There are many fun theme ideas you can use. We also have a twin baby shower theme page that might help you with the planning.

Good luck with the baby shower!

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by: Nisha- Editor

Hi there,

Thank you for your question. Absolutely! Your cousin should definitely get a baby shower. Not only does she have an older daughter, she is also having twins! This means she is going to need double the support and double the supplies.

With the complications of getting pregnant, these babies deserve a celebration! You are totally within the bounds of baby shower etiquette to do so.

Good luck planning the baby shower!

Second Pregnancy- 5 year gap
by: Anonymous

My cousin has a seven year old daughter, she had trouble getting pregnant the second time, did in-vitro and is now having twins. Everything she has is outdated and has been borrowed by other people. I want to throw her another shower, is this appropriate?

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