Baby Shower In A Box From Afar
by Priscilla M.

I am planning a shower from afar in a box. I have come up with some unique ways to have a shower for relatives that are spread across the country without internet access. I would like to share my ideas and how I made my shower work for all involved from NY to FL, to NV to AZ to MI. I found your site helpful got a lot of ideas from you.
First of all my daughters' dad and I are divorced, but I have a good relationship with her grandparents. Now, I got all the addresses of my ex's family, my family and family friends. I opted to not do web shower due to the fact that many older family members do not even have computers. I then compiled them into a small address book (which my daughter will use to send the thank you notes). Then got cute baby computer paper and made my invitations and "fun sheet." The fun sheet was my own idea in place of shower games, since there will be no real shower to attend for most of the folks.
Now, the invitations read...
Shh it's a surprise, we are having a shower from afar for Natalie and the twins, so if you desire send a gift card from all family and friends.
My oh, My so many things twins do need!
In lieu of presents send a gift card along with your "fun sheet" in the enclosed envelope.
Two stores are not far apart, so please make your gift card from either JcPenny's or Walmart. Nov. 3rd is the reply date, so hurry don't be late! Then my name and number at the bottom.
The fun sheet reads...
1.Your best parenting tip is____
2. You best idea for quieting a fussy baby is ___
3. When do you think the twins will be born?___ (Dr says march 24)
4. Your best guess for each baby's weight___ and ____
5. Try your best at these!
Hush a bye___ in a tree top with the ___ ___, the cradle will rock.
When the bough___ the cradle will fall and down will come___ cradle and all.
star light___ ____ first star l see____ l wish l may l ___ l might have the ___ l ___ tonight.
6. Your well wishes for the new parents ____________
Ok, so now I send all of that out with my "party favor" which is a copy of the sonogram of the twins, and self-addressed stamped envelopes with my address on them. I will have a small party of like 8 local friends here at my home, where my husband will record the "shower". I have made 2 small diaper cakes yellow and green with pacifiers. I have candy pacifiers l will give as party favors and have made onesies that say twin a - twin b and thing one thing two etc. I will use these as my decor and then put all the returned gift cards in a box along with the video and frozen cupcakes that will be served at my house party and cigars for dad, soaps for mom, t-shirt and books on being a big brother for my 2 year old grandson, and the 2 diaper cakes, the small address book and the thank you's will also be in this box.
I will then send the shower in a box to my daughter and she can go out shopping and what fun it will be to read all the responses on the fun sheets... Don't you think? Oh for packing material, the 8 folks who attend the "shower" at my house will write things like " l am stinky"-"its daddy's turn" etc on disposable diapers, so when the box is opened and they lift the "packing material" it will be fun too.
I am doing this shower very early as you see the twins are not due until March, but I fear she will be put on bed rest again and her in-laws are also planning a shower, so this gives her time to "nest" before bed rest begins.
What do you think? l believe I can send you a few photos if you would like of the invitations and the cakes, etc. I hope my idea helps others who are military or just have family spread all over the USA like we do!
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Long Distance Baby Shower Main Page
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