A Baby Sprinkle Shower

What is a baby sprinkle?
A sprinkle is a smaller scale baby shower in which guests "sprinkle" the new mom with the little necessities she needs for the new bundle of job. It is not a full blown "shower", but just a light sprinkling of gifts. This clever term has been gaining popularity over the years and is becoming a new trend.
Who is a sprinkle for?
A sprinkle party can be used for any children born after the first child. It can also be used for a new mom that already has all of the big items and would like a smaller celebration.
How did it come about?
Baby showers first came about as a way for friends and family to gather in a celebration to help a new mom prepare for the new addition. With a first child, a new mom needs to stock up on lots of supplies, including the big items (the car seat, stroller, high chair, crib, etc.).
It used to be that celebrations were only held for the first child.
Why? The parents already purchased the big items the first time around so they don't need as much for the next child. The baby sprinkle started as an idea to celebrate all children, since they are all a gift. It allows for a smaller party, since the mom-to-be would need less this time around.
This is not to say you can't have a "full baby shower" for baby #2 and beyond. If your circumstances require the need for a full baby shower, by all means go for it.
The sprinkle is just a type of party that can be used to help second (and third) time moms. It is in not required by etiquette to be the only type used.
Sprinkle Wording Ideas
Here are some cute poems that were made by talented women to go on a sprinkle invitation...

Some gift ideas for a sprinkle party:
Think of anything that the mom might need with another child. She should already have the big items, so the focus is on the little necessities like diapers, diaper wipes, bath bubbles, lotion, bottles, outfits(it's amazing the stains spit up can make!!), socks, books, toys, etc.
Becoming a new mom the second time around (or third) can be a lot harder than a new mom anticipates. You can also get her some sanity savers to cope with another child. A gift certificate for a massage or manicure, I Owe U Coupons for babysitting, and hot meal for the family are some ideas.
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