A Butterfly Baby Shower Theme

~ This butterfly baby shower theme was submitted to our website by Kristine C. from Denver, Colorado ~
My mom and aunt threw me a wonderful baby shower this past summer. It was an outdoor garden party and the theme was butterflies.
Our baby was the first grandchild on both sides of the family, so naturally, everyone was very excited to welcome her to our family.
They've given me some pictures and how tos to share with your website. :)
They made adorable cookies to go with the baby shower theme. They bought pre-made sugar cookie dough and butterfly cookie cutters to make the cookies.
They put frosting in a bag and cut a small hole in a corner to use as a frosting tip.

For the baby shower games, they asked my husband before hand to answer some parenting questions. Then they asked me to answer them as I think he would answer them. For each wrong answer I had to chew a piece of gum and for each right answer I got to choose a gift to open.
I think they fixed the game because I ended up with a lot of gum in my mouth! My husband laughed for days over it! LOL! I still got the prizes for being a good sport about it. We also played gift bingo and guessed what items were in some closed paper bags.

There were cute butterfly fans available for the guests to use during the party.
They made them by printing clip art out on card stock and attaching it to craft sticks.
They decorated the baby shower beautifully. The main color they used was white and they had touches of pretty pastels and butterfly decorations everywhere.
Our meal was catered by a local catering company and my mom purchased a beautiful butterfly diaper cake to go with the theme.
The catering company used baby bottles with straws in them for the guests to drink out of. It was a very creative touch! (Once I get the rest of the pictures developed I will share them)
The best part of the baby shower was something they did that was a little over the top. But it was a beautiful touch that everyone will always remember. They purchased butterflies from Florida for the guests to release at the shower.
They handed out envelopes with the butterflies in them. Then they read an old Indian legend and had everyone whisper their wish to the butterfly and release it.
Everyone wished a wish for our family, it was very special and the butterflies lingered around for a while.
Here is what they read:
~According to an American Indian Legend~
If anyone desires a wish to come true, they must first capture a butterfly and whisper that wish to it.
Since a butterfly can't make a sound, the butterfly can't reveal the wish to anyone but the Great Spirit who knows and sees all.
In gratitude for giving the beautiful butterfly its freedom, the Geat Spirit always grants the wish.
So, according to the legend, by making a wish and giving the butterfly its freedom, the wish will be taken to the heavens and granted.
Here is a picture of one of our guests releasing their butterfly.

For cute favors, they melted white chocolate into butterfly candy forms and attached them to the Indian legend poem to take home.

The best part of the butterfly baby shower I would have to say was just having my friends and family together celebrating our new addition.
Hopefully I have given your readers some great ideas to use. Thanks for having such a wonderful website!
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