Ghost Baby Shower
by Joann
(The United States)

My niece, because of medical reasons, may not be able to travel out of state for the baby shower that we are planning but we'd like to go ahead anyway.
I thought that it used to be referred to as a "ghost shower", would appreciate any help.
Our Answer:
Hi Joann,
A ghost baby shower is a baby shower in which the mom to be cannot attend. It is a lot like a long distance baby shower. It is held when the mom to be lives far away from the baby shower guests and cannot attend the party.
I have some tips for hosting one on my long distance baby shower page.
It goes over the main ideas for hosting a baby shower without her and some ways you might want to handle it. You will need to let the guests know about her not being able to attend so they
know what to expect.
We also have a baby shower in a box from afar party that one of our readers sent in. There are great tips and ideas shared on that page from how her baby shower was thrown.
Good luck planning the baby shower!
Related Pages:
Long Distance Baby Shower Main Page
Long Distance Shower
Baby Shower In A Box From Afar
Mobile Baby Shower
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