How to Make a Towel Cake

Would you like to know how to make a towel cake?
Here are quick picture instructions for a great visual learning experience!
Anyone can make this beautiful towel cake with little effort.
Read the step by step instructions carefully before you begin. The pictures will help guide you through the process. You can do it!
To make this towel cake you will need:
- 2 white towels
- 2 white hand towels
- 2 white wash cloths
- Double sided sticky tape
- Yellow tulle
- A rubber ducky bath set
- 2 trial sizes Johnson and Johnson shampoo and baby wash- yellow color
How to Make a Towel Cake
Lay out 1 white towel on a flat surface. Smooth out. Take the top part of the towel and fold a quarter towards you.

Fold the bottom part of the towel up one quarter section.
Fold both inwards one more quarter section. Smooth out any wrinkles. Now fold in half.
Start to roll the towel in a small tight roll along the length. For this particular cake, I stacked a second folded towel on top of the first and rolled them together. You can choose to overlap the second towel end to end with the first.
The towel will try to bunch up as you are rolling. Smooth the towel cake as you roll. Absorb the bunches into the roll so the end will stay even. The top towel will end up a little longer at the end of the roll. It is fine because you will be covering it with ribbon.

Once you have a tight roll with both towels included, tie a decorative ribbon around it. Make the ribbon seam in the back so the front is a clean line. I chose to use yellow tulle for this example.
By tying it in the front, I was able to make a decorative element with a bow. (I like to have a helper hold the towel roll tightly as I tie the ribbon around it.)

Repeat the same steps for the 2 hand towels. This will make the second layer of the towel cake.
Repeat the steps again for the 2 wash cloths. This will make the top layer of the towel cake.

This is what the layers will look like after you tie the yellow tulle around them.
Stack the layers on top of each other and you will have this.

Now, tie a bow with the tulle on each layer. When I tied the tulle around each layer, I included extra tulle to make a double bow. The size and shape of the bow will be determined by how much tulle you leave yourself to work with.

You are now ready to decorate the cake. Add yellow curling ribbon around the rubber duckies and baby items. Set aside.
Take a bath sponge and pin to the towel on the bottom layer. Pin it so the yellow bath sponge is in the middle of the bow. It will make it look like a yellow rose.
Use double sided tape to attach the baby items to the towel. The tulle will not be strong enough to attach to. Attach it to the cake in the middle of the yellow bows. Use one bath item on each layer.
Position the baby rubber duckies on the second layer and momma ducky on top.
This is the finished picture of the Rubber Ducky Cake.

Phew! We made it through the entire process together! Now you know how easy it is to make this beautiful masterpiece. What a wonderful skill you have just developed!
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