A Sheryl Crow Baby Shower - A Green Eco-friendly Party
It was a green gala affair in 2007 when Sheryl Crow adopted baby Wyatt, and friend Sara Evans threw her an eco-friendly baby shower.
They wanted to keep the affair playful and give it a down-home feel, since little Wyatt was also in attendance. The color scheme for the event was earthly colors like red, blue, and brown. Another theme they used was the radio flyer red wagons. The highlight of the event was a fabulous blue grass band that they used for the background music.

At the entrance of the house, they strung up a clothesline that displayed baby clothes.
Instead of a sign in book, they signed an organic onesie which became a treasured keepsake for Sheryl.
Since a green baby shower is all about reusing and being earth conscious, they opted for real plates, forks and fabric napkins. They also used brown table cloths.
They added to the decorations with cute napkins that had Wyatt's name embroidered and folded into ships. They even had a cute radio flyer wagon cake.
Sheryl Crow Favors:
Each table setting consisted of a display of wheat grass with a cute planter paper decoration for the guests to take home. The planter paper is a fun and earth friendly way to give your guests a poem to take home and plant. Once planted in the ground, flowers bloom.
Here is the poem they put on it...
These little buds are small like me
you can imagine what they will be.
It won't be long until they sprout.
Just like me, have no doubt.
So please enjoy as your flowers appear
and think of me when they get here.
They used all organic food, flowers and wine. They even added a nice baby touch to the drinks by threading organic blueberries on a diaper pin and hanging it on the drink glasses.
They chose to have the gift opening outside in a gazebo at night time for a close intimate feel. It was lit with lots of soy candles in baby jars.
Since wrapping paper was out of the question, guests wrapped their gifts with blankets or cloth diapers. Some of the gifts Sheryl and Wyatt received were a miniature guitar, a quilt, clothes toys, non-toxic cleaning products, and books on how to raise her baby "green".
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