Welcome Your Sweetie With A Strawberry Shortcake Party

Strawberry Shortcake Baby Shower Invitation Ideas:
Use clip art or invitations decorated in strawberry shapes.
We're Berry Excited About The Baby On Its Way! Come Celebrate With Mommy On Her Special Day!
Shortcake Game Ideas:
Word Scramble Activity- Scramble up words of girly stuff for guests to try to unscramble.
Onesie Activity- Buy pink onesies. Have your guests decorate them with rhinestones, glitter paint, markers.
Bloomers Gag Game- wrap a flower corsage in a box -tell your guests that it is bloomers and whoever ends with the box will have to wear it (like hot potato) you can play the strawberry shortcake theme song if you'd like.
Sweet Advice- What if you did a home video for her? Have the guests come prepared with some "sweet" advice to share with her about how to raise kids.
Throw some of the theme music on there to make it fun. Then have a main activity for the guests to do while you pull them aside one by one to give their advice.
If you don't have the theme song, you can download it online to use.
Strawberry Shortcake Baby Shower Decoration Ideas:
Decorate with pink and red and opalescent balloons. Take 3-4 pink balloons and put them around a red balloon to look like a flower. Take a black marker and color seeds on the red balloons to look like strawberries. Use a pink tablecloth red tulle over it. Gather the tulle around the table skirt with elastics and use a silk flower or fake strawberry to decorate it with. Red and pink roses, carnations or gerbera daisies.
There are plenty of strawberry shortcake supplies available to use. Since these supplies don't say happy birthday on them, they are perfect to use for a baby shower.
Party Food Ideas:
Think about sweet things to eat- strawberry themed and dessert items. Here are some ideas... Virgin strawberry daiquiri (or one of our pink punches in the recipe section), shortcake with whipped topping and strawberries chocolate covered strawberries, strawberry ice cream, eclairs, and moon cake.
A Shortcake Centerpiece Idea:
Check out the strawberry diaper cake in our photo gallery. It could give you some ideas if you would like to make your own or use the shortcake as the centerpiece to your table.
Prize and Favor Ideas:
strawberry milk, strawberry scented items like air freshener, stickers, lotion, body spray, bath gel, candles, Pink nail polish or lip gloss. Strawberry flavored gloss.
Visit our theme section for some more great baby shower theme ideas!
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