Diaper and Nappy Cake Photo Gallery
This diaper nappy cake gallery has been compiled together to help you create fantastic diaper cake.
Our readers have sent in these ideas with hopes they will help you with your own project. Best of luck with your diaper cake!
Jungle Cake Index
Why should you buy a diaper cake on eBay?
- Great Prices! Most sellers are work at home moms with little overhead.
- You don't need to worry about being burned. The seller rating speaks for itself.
- Great selection! Get a professionally designed cake to match almost any theme.
Nappy cake submitted to gallery by:
Katie S. from Rolling Prairie, IN

First I started by rolling up diapers(approx. 40 size two on bottom and 40 size one divided between the middle and top layers). I attached the diapers together using a rubber band that stretched to surround each layer. I used a receiving blanket to wrap around the bottom and top layers, and a fleece blanket to wrap around the middle. The blankets were secured with diaper pins. Then I inserted a wooden dowel rod into the center to stabilize it. Next I attached the toys and extras to the cake using pins and rubber bands. Finally I wrapped the cake in white netting and tied it with a green bow on top.
Nappy cake submitted to gallery by:
Karen G. from Danville, Illinois

Hi, my name is Karen and I created my 1st diaper cake for my granddaughter in Oct. 2006. She mentioned she had wanted her baby's room to be a jungle theme, so I decided to make her diaper cake just that. It took me three weeks to find all the right themed items & 152 diapers. Everything was purchased at retail and it was worth every penny. It was then that I knew I had found my passion, so I searched for wholesale companies & put my own diaper cake designs on my own website ( www.wondrous-things.com)along with some other very unique diaper cakes & other unique baby, mommy & family gifts & boutique items. I am always thinking of new ways to make my diaper cakes so they are the only one of their kind, right now anyway. There are many I haven't put up on my site yet because I am going to show them at one of our trade shows in my town first. This diaper cake has 152 Diapers,3 Receiving Blankets, 3 Onesies, 2 Pr. of socks, 4 Pk. Washcloths, Shampoo, Baby wash, Baby Lotion, 1 Pr. of Booties, and 12 Toys.
Nappy cake submitted to gallery by:
Liane C. from St Bruno De Montarville, Quebec Canada

I made this cake with lots of love and help from my mother for my daughter's first baby shower. Not knowing if she was expecting a boy or girl, I choose the same theme as the baby's room; ''Safari with giraffe & friends''. It is a 3 layers cake made from 61 Pampers newborn diapers, the ones with a picture of Big Bird on them...almost 30 baby supplies are hidden throughout the layers. The middle support is a rolled up baby shade for a car window with a bottle of shampoo and lotion one on top of the other, a receiving blanket is rolled around it. Plus each rolled diaper has a gift inside, like bibs, Safety 1st baby kit ,face cloths, socks, etc. It is held with an elastic. The outside is decorated with wide yellow, green & blue ribbons, the ends are tied in a bow. I added "shredded yellow papier de soie" to make it look like icing. Toys & things like a rubber ducky, a pacifier, a baby brush and comb, baby rattles etc. are held on the outside by inserting them into the ribbon. At the very top sits a big plush toy giraffe. At the shower I displayed the cake in the middle of the gift table and had framed the "recipe" explaining what the cake was made of and how I went about it... It was a hit and friends & family were amazed it was handmade and not store bought. My Mom and I were very proud to offer it to my daughter and she loved it.
Nappy cake submitted to gallery by:
Michelle A. from East Hampton, Connecticut

125 diapers are artfully arranged in boutique style tiers to resemble a 3 -tier cake. Some items are hidden inside the center of the nappy cake and other items are displayed on the outside.
Nappy cake submitted to gallery by:
Michelle A. from East Hampton, Connecticut

Give the new parents to be this deliciously delightfully, fun and practical hand crafted diaper cake. Affectionately prepared with TLC. This cake comes with only the finest ingredients, no dollar store items! 100+ diapers are artfully and skillfully arranged to look like a three tiered cake. There are gifts included for mommy too with cake!!!
100+ Premium Diapers ~ Size 1
Teal Fleece Blanket ~ 30"x30"
Rainforest Pillow Case
8 oz. Rainforest Baby Bottle
Giraffe Brush
Zebra infant Booties
12" Plush Rainforest Macaw Parrot
Plush Rainforest Snake
Plush Rainforest Frog
Plush Rainforest Toucan
Plush Rainforest leopard
Plush Elephant Rattle
Rainforest Money Teether
Balmex Diaper rash Cream
Johnsons Soft Lotion 24 hr. Moisturizer
Johnsons Baby Powder
Johnsons Baby Shampoo
Johnsons Baby Lotion
Johnsons Head To Toe Baby Wash
Animal Teether Ring
Mini Photo Frame
Large photo album
Lavender Scented Sleep Eye Mask
Relaxing lavender Massage Lotion
Vanilla Fragrance Mist
Pedicure Brush
Measures: 15"x15"25"
Diaper cake designs by Mokielynn. specializing in custom professional diaper cake designs.
Nappy cake submitted to gallery by:
Bronwyn E. from Durban, Kwazulu Natal South Africa

1 x Round Cake Board
1 x Large Johnsons baby Powder
1x Johnsons Baby Aqueous Cream tub
1x Step 1 Pigeon Feeding Cup
1 x pack of decorated face cloths
1x 5m Roll of Wired Red Ribbon
Straight Pins
Rubber Bands
Various brightly coloured Educational toys and rattles
Roll each diaper and hold together with a rubber band Place baby powder in center of cake board Place rolled diapers in a circle around the baby powder and place a large rubber band around the first circle. You can make 3 circles around the powder to form the base. Place the aqueous cream above the powder and make diaper circles around this to make your second tier. For the final tier, place the feeding cup above the aqueous cream and use the balance of the diapers with the rolled face cloths slotted in between. The feeding cup is placed on top to give height to the "crowning toy". Now that the hard part is over Here comes the fun part!
Measure the ribbon around the each tier. Cut and thread any toys or rattles through it which you require. Use the straight pins to hold the ribbon together ensuring the ribbon ends have been folded in to hide frayed edges. Hide the straight pins with the toys which have Velcro attachments which can be wrapped around the ribbon at these points Repeat on all the layers, adding the toys as you wish. Wrap ribbon around the portion of the feeding cup which is visible and add the crowning toy.
Nappy cake submitted to gallery by:
Diahann from Grayson, Georgia

Thanks for all the info. I was able to make my own and it was a success. I made it easy, I bought 3 hat boxes each 1 smaller than the other to tier the cake. I rolled each pamper and used the tiny rubber bands (ponytail holders) to put around it to keep them. Then I used jewelry string, the stretchy type, and tied around the boxes. And placed each rolled pamper under the string.
Nappy cake submitted to gallery by:
Angie S. from Lake Worth, Florida

Nappy cake submitted to gallery by:
Breanna K. from United States

This was my first diaper cake that I ever made. It was a hit at the baby shower. I had a lot of fun making it and it was so easy to do. This site gave me some ideas for it - so thanks!
Nappy cake submitted to gallery by:
Belinda H. from Bumpass, VA

We are a small home based company that makes diaper cakes. I would love to share our cakes with you.
Nappy cake submitted to gallery by:
Alysha from the United States

Here are the diaper cakes I came up with last night using ideas from your website. I decided to staple lace around a cardboard base on the giraffe one...
Nappy cake submitted to gallery by:
June M. from Las Vegas, Nevada

This is my 1st. diaper cake and I thank Creative Baby Shower Ideas for the "how to directions ". I made this for a baby shower that I am giving for my son and daughter-in-law and my soon to be here 1st. granddaughter. For the center stability I used a paper towel roll that I saved instead of a bottle and I cut cardboard for the bottom and middle tiers, I hot glued the bottom tier to the end of the paper towel roll and cut a hole in the middle tier and ran the roll through it to the top tier. I added just baby girl things for her bath, like washcloths, shampoo and soap, then some clothing items like pink or flowered onesies, booties, mittens, pacifiers, hair bands, and a pink darling hippo on top.
Nappy cake submitted to gallery by:
Diana B. from Beaumont, Alberta, Canada

After seeing all these wonderful ideas, I decided I would try my hand at making a cake for my daughter's baby shower. We had the shower before the baby was born and didn't know whether it was a boy or girl, so I chose to go with the monkey/jungle theme. A girlfriend and I had an incredibly fun time out hunting for all the items I used! It took 132 diapers (found a site on You Tube where they gave wonderful instructions on how to roll and put the tiers together in video form) and it ended up being 17" in diameter for the bottom layer; and to the top of the monkey's head 20". I included some little spoons, a hair brush and comb, jungle animal teethers, a lion bib, diaper bag sized powder, shampoo, Penaten cream, little plush animals, and baby animal plastic ones she can keep. It was a blast to make...I thoroughly enjoyed myself. Thanks for all the tips!
Nappy cake submitted to gallery by:
Amber E. from Troutdale, Oregon

I made this cake another jungle theme for my husband's cousin. It has 150 diapers and baby safe rattles. I really like it. It got lots of oohs and ahhs at the shower.
Nappy cake submitted to gallery by:
Nicole Y. from Ellenwood, Georgia

Nappy cake submitted to gallery by:
Jessica P. from Medina, Ohio

We used the diaper cakes as centerpieces for the guest tables at the shower and the mom and dad to be took them home to use after the baby is born. They were a great conversation piece and the new parents loved the idea!
Nappy cake submitted to gallery by:
Ashley B. from Plano, Texas

Over 200 newborn diapers
Boppy pillow
Round plastic catering tray
Wide Ribbon
Fishing line
Other fillers such as clothes, blankets, crib sheet, and toys, stuffed animals
After forming 3 tiers of diapers tied off with ribbon, place boppy pillow on catering tray and stuff extra diapers underneath to level it out. Safety pin the two ends of the boppy together so that it will stay in a round shape. Use fishing line to tie over it and hold in place. Continue to connect layers with fishing line tied around (like you would tying a bow on a present where it comes together from four sides) as you also stuff clothes, blankets, or crib sheet throughout the layers. Attach together and tie off on top four rolled receiving blankets with stuffed animal tied on with bow. Complete it by tying or hanging miscellaneous toys on layers.
Nappy cake submitted to gallery by:
Jen H. from Winchester, California

Thanks so much for your website! All the details & photos fed my creative energy :) Here is a safari themed cake done for my daughter's soccer coach. She is doing her baby's nursery in a brown safari theme with turquoise accents.
Nappy cake submitted to gallery by:
Tracy K. from Saskatoon, Canada

I design diaper cakes and wish to share a few pictures with others! This diaper cake is called "Jungle Animals" by Blue Monkey Designs.
Nappy cake submitted to gallery by:
Dee from The United States

This was my first diaper cake and it was so much fun to make. My sister is having a boy in June. He will be the first boy for our family. Thanks to everyone on this site. Your diaper cakes are really inspirational!
Nappy cake submitted to gallery by:
Tammy L. from Herrin, IL

The blue & brown cake (safari) ended up with a Ty pluffie giraffe on top but my batteries ran out so I didn't get a picture with it. I am also including 3 scrapbook pages we framed & had on the guest book table.
Nappy cake submitted to gallery by:
Dana S. from Minneapolis, MN

I have made several diaper cakes as centerpieces for baby showers or as personalized gifts for moms-to-be. A client recently shared with me that the diaper cake she purchased from me was quoted as the "best gift she has ever received!" when presented to her friend who was expecting. My suggestion is to base the theme of the cake on the baby's room or on a favorite animal or other personalized item of the new mom. Make her feel special and thought of.
Nappy cake submitted to gallery by:
Jessica B. from Mississauga, Ontario

I just wanted to submit pictures of the 2 Diaper Cakes I have now made. They we're so much fun! Both cakes have 66 pampers swaddlers, 5 onesies (on the inside - each one is wrapped around a diaper), 2 Gerber soft bite spoons, 4 receiving blankets (3 on the outside, and then one rolled tightly and put through the center of each tier to keep the cake together), a TY pluffie on the top, and then the blue cake I painted a wooden "N" to match the cake for the baby's initial. Finished off with cute little touches of decor!
Nappy cake submitted to gallery by:
Lily K. from El Monte, California

Here are some of the diaper cakes that i made for friends and family. I would like to share with everyone to let them know that you can make truly amazing gifts with everyday baby items. Thank you for allowing me to post these pictures up.
Nappy cake submitted to gallery by:
Andrea T. from Ocala, Florida

This is the first diaper cake I made. It's for my best friend who should be giving birth to her first son today! His room is a jungle theme with brown accents so I chose to put jungle items in the cake and wrap it up with a brown polka dot ribbon. I had fun making the cake so I decided to start my own business. My website is PremierDiaperCakes.com. :)
Nappy cake submitted to gallery by:
Deborah R. from Tyler, Texas

This is a Giraffe Cake I made for precious young lady who works in our paint and body shop. Thanks so much for the wonderful idea....I had lots of fun and it was so easy!!!
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