Our Baby Shower Diapers Cake Gallery
Make a baby shower diapers cake for your upcoming baby shower. They are a great way to reward that special mommy with useful items.
All of these photos on this page have a monkey theme to them. The index below will take you back to our main page where you can browse other themes.
Monkey Cake Index
Why should you buy a diaper cake on eBay?
- Great Prices! Most sellers are work at home moms with little overhead.
- You don't need to worry about being burned. The seller rating speaks for itself.
- Great selection! Get a professionally designed cake to match almost any theme.
Baby shower diapers cake submitted to gallery by:
Michelle J. from San Antonio, Texas

I made this baby diaper cake for a co-worker having a girl. I used useful items like washcloths, hats, socks, and mitts. She loved it! The monkey on top is a wrist toy that rattles when the baby moves her hand.
Baby shower cake submitted to gallery by:
Marcia V. from Roanoke, Virginia

My girlfriend chose a monkey theme for her nursery using bright lime green and fluorescent orange. I used that same theme for her diaper cake. The most fun for me was the hunt for the perfect monkey items!
Baby shower diapers cake submitted to gallery by:
Lindsey E. from Aberdeen, Washington

This is my first diaper cake. I used a lot of browns and greens like frogs and monkeys...it was a big hit and a lot easier than I thought it would be! Thanks, I love the site!
Baby shower diapers cake submitted to gallery by:
Wendy W. from Howard City, Michigan

These diapers are candle rolled, secured and then decorated with matching jungle items.
Baby shower diapers cake submitted to gallery by:
Amber E. from Troutdale, Oregon

My sister asked me to do a baby shower for her friend who didn't have much family. So of course I said yes. She decided on a safari theme and I have to say I went a little nuts.... The invitations I got for a baby shower site. The cake on the other hand was all my idea... I got a little nuts with it ending up being over 250 size 1 diapers!! But I have to say it was all worth it. The only hot glue used was on the bottom of the wipes container that was the anchor to the whole piece. The tree is bottles with diapers wrapped around it, the tree leaves are onesies, the waterfall is a blue onesie and the green patches the animals are sitting on are t-shirts. I loved making the monkey hang from the tree. All the ribbon is secured with double stick tape and tied in a bow in the back. I try to make my cakes as usable as possible. I had hidden in the cake travel baby powder, boo boo ice packs, travel shampoo and lotion. This was a huge hit as the centerpiece of her shower.
We also played the games tinkle in the pot (hilarious!!), stinky diaper, the candy bar game, animal baby/momma game and the my water broke game... Everyone loved the games and the safari treats that I made. I had safari animal shaped sugars for coffee and tea, we had safari punch, and I made rice krispie treats in the shape of lions, monkeys, elephants and hippos.
It was a lot of work but, I have to say it was all worth it in the end.
Baby shower diapers cake submitted to gallery by:
Alysha from the United States

I made this diaper cake for my neighbor baby shower. This was the second diaper cake I've made. This time I used a soft blanket wrapped around a paper towel roll for the center post. I also tried something different by layering the bottom diapers on top of each other instead. It turned out pretty cute I think. I tried to find a "Blues Clues" rattle to match the diapers but couldn't find one. That's ok because my favorite part is the monkey that giggles when you tickle his toes. I got a bear just like it from my friend Nisha for my son and he loves it! I was excited when I found them at Walmart for under $10.
Baby shower diapers cake submitted to gallery by:
Joanne from Raliegh, North Carolina

Just wanted to share with you the diaper cake that a friend and I made for our friend's baby shower this weekend. BOY was it nice to have another set of hands to help with it!!! (Highly recommended to all those wanting to try to make one) It went over famously and all the ladies couldn't believe we MADE it ourselves! Lol! Thanks for having this website available. :)
Baby shower diapers cake submitted to gallery by:
Frances M. from Des Plaines, Illinois

I am now hooked on making diaper cakes! Here is my second one, done in a mod mom theme. This cake consists of 100+ Huggies size 1 diapers.
Baby shower diapers cake submitted to gallery by:
Heather M. from Locust Grove, Georgia

I rolled up each diaper and secured them with rubber bands. Then I secured each layer with rubber bands. After I got the layers the size I wanted I pulled a few diapers out and replaced them with gifts like travel size lotions, powder, shampoo, burp cloths, onesies and bottles. I wrapped each layer twice around with plain white tulle. I glued on the dots then added the ribbons and decorated the outside of the cake.
Baby shower diapers cake submitted to gallery by:
LaTonya E. from Lancaster, PA

I used swaddlers pamper size one diapers. I laid out a long piece of painters tape (so the diapers would still be usable) sticky side up on a table and laid diapers horizontally on the tape overlapping them. Then I simply rolled it up. I then used smaller pieces of tape for the top layers. I then wrapped each layer in ribbon and secured it with a glue gun. Then I wrapped it again with the smaller ribbon. I placed a round wooden dowel down the center to keep them centered. I used straight pins to secure the stuffed animal and shoes and scotch tape for everything else. I made sure everything I used to make it and added to it would be usable afterwards. The topper was actually one of the party favor we gave to guests.
Baby shower diapers cake submitted to gallery by:
Jody from Ooltewah, TN

I made this for an auction at my daughter's school. This is my first diaper cake. My 6 year old daughter and I had so much fun making it. Thanks for all of your wonderful ideas.
Baby shower diapers cake submitted to gallery by:
Jan W. from Sweet Valley, PA

After looking at your gallery of diaper cakes I said to myself, "I could do that"! I am planning a baby shower for my daughter who is expecting in May. I'm sending a picture of my creation! And the little baby carriages filled with silk flowers cost a whopping $2.00 a piece to make!
Baby shower diapers cake submitted to gallery by:
Amy from Guelph, Ontario Canada

This is my most recent Monkey Diaper Cake.
Baby shower diapers cake submitted to gallery by:
Lucy from the United States

Here are some pictures of my 1st diaper cake. I made it for my friend's baby shower. I used the monkey theme since her baby nursery is monkey themed. She loved it...and so did the guests. They didn't stop talking about it. I plan on making more. Next one will be for a girl
Baby shower diapers cake submitted to gallery by:
Lily K. from El Monte, California

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