How to Make a Diaper Bear

~ This diaper bear cake idea was submitted to our website by Shara E. from Baldwin Park, California ~
Create a fun teddy bear gift for your next baby shower! These cute crafts are fun to make and full of usable supplies for both mom and baby!
For this baby shower craft, you will need:
- 1 package of size 2 diapers
- 1 roll of 3 inch ribbon
- Double sided sticky tape
- Pacifier
- Wiggly eyes
- Bib
- Decorative items like sunglasses, brown felt and a black pom pom.
To make this baby shower craft, I rolled size one diapers and then wrapped the completed roll with 3 inch ribbon.
Start by rolling one diaper, then place it in an open diaper and continue to roll. Keep adding diapers in a snowball pattern until you have reached the preferred size. Make a smaller ball for the head and a larger ball for the body. Wrap each roll with ribbon.
Roll one diaper for each ear, hand and feet. Wrap each with ribbon.
Then connect each section of the bear with double sided tape (Ribbon to Ribbon) to complete the Bear shape. Decorate with above baby items.
Thanks for sharing this baby shower craft idea with us Shara! It is fantastic!
Diaper Bear Photo Gallery
Photo submitted to gallery by
Kim S. from Rawlins, Wyoming

Photo submitted to gallery by
Sarah H. from Manchester, United Kingdom

Hi ya, I've got a picture for your gallery. It's a bear diaper cake. Thanks for all those ideas on your site, will mail you photos when I make more.
Hi ya I have a couple of photos for you of my nappy bears. I have made if for my friend from work who has just given birth to her 1st baby, a little girl. Thanks for the great ideas
I made this diaper bear for my sister's baby shower. I used 24 diapers, a pacifier and a few jewels for eyes. Hope you like it!!
Tell us about your diaper cake! We would love to hear all about it...
Who did you make it for? My grand daughter
Was there a theme or style you followed? No, I started from scratch.
How many diapers did you use in your cake? A lot!
What were the ingredients? Diaper, socks, scratch mittens, marabou feathers, etc.
How did you make it? August 2012
Anything else you would like to share with us about your diaper cake or the occasion? You can make the bear and turn it in to almost anything; a police officer, a fire fighter, a skiier, etc.
Tell us about your diaper cake! We would love to hear all about it... Who did you make it for? I made it for my daughter.
Was there a theme or style you followed? It was a sunflower theme.
How many diapers did you use in your cake? I used a whole pack of size 1 diapers.
What were the ingredients? I used 1 pack of diapers, a bib, pacifier and decorations to make it.
How did you make it? I rolled a small wheel of diapers for the head and a larger wheel for the body. Then I made 1 diaper wrapped with a rubber band for each arm and ears! I rolled2 diapers each for each leg.
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