Our Gallery Of Diaper Cakes
We love all of the diaper cakes shared by our readers! They are true works of art.
This section has bunny themed cakes. To see other themes, click below on the index link.
We are always looking for great ideas to share with our readers. You can submit your photos and ideas to us here.
Bunny Cake Index
Why should you buy a diaper cake on eBay?
- Great Prices! Most sellers are work at home moms with little overhead.
- You don't need to worry about being burned. The seller rating speaks for itself.
- Great selection! Get a professionally designed cake to match almost any theme.
Bunny cake submitted to diaper cakes gallery by:
Peggy C. from Trumann, Arkansas

This cake was made for my sister's baby shower. Everyone loved it!
Bunny cake submitted to cake gallery by:
Samantha G. from New Brunswick, Canada

Here is my first attempt at a baby diaper cake. It took 80 size 2 diapers. It took about 3 hours and I did not use glue or tape. I also made the photo album to match and took all the pictures at the shower. I am giving her 2 copies of each photo as part of her gift.
Thank you for the inspiration...
Bunny cake submitted to diaper cakes gallery by:
Janice J. from St. George, Utah

Here is a picture of a diaper cake I made for my stepdaughters baby shower.
You will need:
about 43 diapers
rubber bands
string or thin ribbon to keep diapers in place
thick ribbon for decorating
baby items for decorating
sewing pins
tall baby bottle
large round plate or cake pedestal
Roll about 22 diapers (vertically) and fasten with rubber band. Place baby bottle on plate and set maybe 7 or 8 rolled diapers around baby bottle. Tie with string to keep in place. Repeat another layer. Finish bottom layer by placing unrolled diapers around the rolled diapers overlapping slightly to prevent raw edges from showing. Tie to fasten in place. Continue the middle layer the same with maybe only one row of rolled diapers. You may need two rows of unrolled diapers to get the correct diameter. The top layer starts with one rolled diaper with a row of rolled diapers. Tie to keep in place. Finish with unrolled diapers. Decorate with ribbon to hide the tied string and fasten ribbon with pins. Decorate to your liking.
Bunny cake submitted to cake gallery by:
Jeanie D. from Winter Springs, Florida

Here is another diaper cake I made. This is a 4 tier with a stuffed bunny on top. I like to wrap receiving blankets around the diapers, then ribbon around that. I use a canister type of baby wipes in the middle of the base layer, and I put it all on a plastic tray from the party store.
Bunny cake submitted to diaper cakes gallery by:
Gloria and Misty from Atlanta, Georgia

This cute cake is made of:
60 swaddling diapers
8 onesies
8 wash cloths
1 pacifier
1 rattler
1 toy keys
4 tiny bottles filled with candy
2 baby socks
1 bib
travel size baby shampoo, lotion and powder
flowers for decoration
1 pink bunny that squeaks
Bunny cake submitted to cake gallery by:
Catherine B. from Washington, D.C.

This is a sampling of the cakes I've enjoyed making. I would be willing to make them for those in the DC / MD / VA area (at a fee) and can be contacted via email. I include a recipe card with a list of "ingredients" diapercakesgift@yahoo.com
Bunny cake submitted to diaper cakes gallery by:
Treva from The United States

This is my very first diaper cake. I was so excited and amazed at how easy this was.
Bunny cake submitted to cake gallery by:
Tabitha from Concord, North Carolina

This is a tiger lily with a Leapster bunny 2 tier cake.
Bunny cake submitted to diaper cakes gallery by:
Georgia J. from Portland, Oregon

I'm Georgia from Portland, Oregon and this was my first attempt at a diaper cake. I can't believe how fast it was to make and how great the end result turned out. I went a little overboard with what I spent but that's OK because it was so fun to make. I took several ideas from different cakes already posted here.
My cake has 65 size 4 diapers, a receiving blanket that's covering the bottom piece of cardboard, a pacifier, teething ring, rattle, lotion, 4 bibs, fork and spoon, an outfit that includes pajamas, hat and booties and stuffed in the booties are tub toys. The cake topper, a cute cuddly bunny with a matching ribbon to the cake.
Bunny cake submitted to cake gallery by:
Georgia J. from Portland, Oregon

This was my second cake in less than two weeks that I've made ingredients:
receiving blanket, 4 bibs, shoes and socks
First Layer-
2 teething rings, rattle, binky
Around the first layer-
Bib, powder, lotions, baby oil, booties
Top layer-
little girl bunny and rolled up in front is a summer dress and
hat to go with the shoes
I think I had a total of 82 diapers stage two.
Bunny cake submitted to diaper cakes gallery by:
Shon Grant. from Houston, Texas

This was done for my niece baby shower. Includes almost 100 diapers, two sun dresses, 3 onesies, a pair of shoes and a teddy bear.
Bunny cake submitted to cake gallery by:
Diane from United States

First time attempting a diaper cake. Not perfect, but I think I did okay overall. This cake used 59 Size 2 Pampers Swaddler diapers and the topper is a Bunny Sachet with an inverted 5 oz bottle filled with pink wrapped Hersheys kisses that say "It's A Girl!" - Hope you enjoy and find this creation inspiring...comments welcome. :)
Bunny cake submitted to diaper cakes gallery by:
Tammy H. from Kelowna British Columbia, Canada

I love this cute diaper cake sent in by our reader Tammy. It even has a diaper bunny on top! So cute. The bunny was completely made of baby items. It has an infant shirt, booties, scratch mitts, wash cloths and a pacifier. The whiskers and carrot stems were made from q-tips. The wings came from a decorative butterfly. Can you see the frog elastic? Clever way to stick to the Princess theme! She used string to tie down the legs of the bunny on top of the cake.
To make the cake, Tammy cut 3 inch strips of poster board to create the circle molds for each layer. After getting it the length she wanted, she made the circle shape by stapling the ends of the strips together. Then she rolled all of the diapers and placed an elastic on each end of the rolled diaper. All layers had a cardboard circle base. She attached the circles using a string that was dipped in candle wax for strength and fed through the center of the diaper cake.
Receiving blanket
Plush blanket
Burp Pad
Infant socks
(4) Wash Cloths
(2) Spoons
Pair of wrist rattles
(2) Booties
Hand Sanitizer
Diaper Cover
Infant cap
Scratch Mitts
Baby Powder
Baby Oil
Toy spider
"It's a girl" ribbon
"Princess" Ribbon
Mini clothes pins (white)
curling ribbon
Foam Tiara (Local craft store)
Pink Transparent paper
Bunny cake submitted to cake gallery by:
Julie S. from Joplin, Mo

*Two jumbo packs of size 1 diapers (112 diapers)
*Two packs of clear hair ties
*Four receiving blankets
*Two packs of thick rubber bands
*Any fun little baby items to decorate the cake
*One roll of ribbon
*One package of two sided tape
*One poster board
I rolled the diapers, then took one clear hair tie and put it over the rolled diaper.
I then took one receiving blanket and rolled it to be thick, but fairly long. I then put three clear hair ties around the receiving blanket to keep it secure.
I then put a rubber band over the receiving blanket and then put the diapers in it. I kept going until I got to a size I liked. I did it this way with all three tiers.
I then put my other three receiving blankets over the tiers and pinned them in the back.
I then took my two sided tape and stuck everything on. I had to pin the head bands because they kept falling off though.
I then took the ribbon and secured it and tied it tight in the back.
Bunny cake submitted to cake gallery by:
Tiffany K. from Germantown, Ohio

While searching for fabric online I came across a diaper cake and thought, "I could totally make those." So I found directions online and started making them. I've sold a few and also donated some to silent auctions for local charities. I am in the process of starting an at-home business making diaper cakes.
I made an 5 tiered Ultra Deluxe Peter Rabbit Sampler Cake for my best friend who was having her first baby. She wasn't sure what kind of diapers she would want to use, so I used 3 different kinds so she would be able to try out different brands. I also used size 2 diapers so it doesn't have to be taken apart right away.
This cake consists of:
- 50 Luvs size 2 diapers
- 48 Pampers Baby Dry size 2 diapers
- 32 Huggies size 2 diapers
- 1 musical plush Peter Rabbit
- 1 Nuk pacifier
- 3 Gerber soft tip feeding spoons 1 Peter Rabbit board book
- 1 mini picture frame
- Baby Bee Apricot Baby Oil
- Baby Bee Buttermilk Lotion
- Baby Bee Buttermilk Bath
- Baby Bee Buttermilk Soap
- Baby Bee Diaper Cream
- Baby Bee Dusting Powder
- Baby Bee Shampoo Bar
- 12 baby washcloths handcrafted into bunnies and carrots
Bunny cake submitted to cake gallery by:
Sharon F. from Laurinburg, North Carolina

This is my first attempt at diaper cake. There are two layers of diapers, wrapped with receiving blankets. The top layer is a bunny with his legs wrapped around a pink blanket.
Bunny cake submitted to cake gallery by:
Amy from Guelph, Ontario Canada

This is a diaper cake I made for my husband's cousin! I love making diaper cakes! I am just trying to get my business started!
Bunny cake submitted to cake gallery by:
Dana S. from Minneapolis, MN

I made this diaper cake to go with a baby shower I threw for my sister in law. You can read all the details here. Thank you again for considering my designs. I really appreciate it!!
Bunny cake submitted to cake gallery by:
Ana N. from Adelaide, South Australia

Bunny cake submitted to cake gallery by:
Tina W. from Cabot, Arkansas

This is the first Diaper Cake I made for my daughters friend, I am now working on one for my daughter!
Bunny cake submitted to cake gallery by:
Francine D. from Johannesburg, South Africa

Here are a couple more nappy cakes I have made.
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