Girl Diaper Cake Gallery
Our girl diaper cake section has adorable cakes sent in by our readers. Pick your favorite ideas to make your own cake.
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Girl Cake Index
Why should you buy a diaper cake on eBay?
- Great Prices! Most sellers are work at home moms with little overhead.
- You don't need to worry about being burned. The seller rating speaks for itself.
- Great selection! Get a professionally designed cake to match almost any theme.
Photo submitted to gallery by:
Darlene H. from Conneaut, Ohio

I saw a diaper cake on the internet and fell in love with the idea of it. My daughter is pregnant and we were having a baby shower for her. I decided to try my hand at making a diaper cake. This cake turned out beautiful and was so talked about at the shower I just wanted to share it. I packed this cake full... (of course I did it's for my first there was no room left on it. My daughter loved it; she didn't want to take it apart. One thing I did do that I have not seen yet was use hair ties instead of rubber bands. They were just the little ones and my thinking was my daughter could use these for the babies hair also instead of rubber bands that she would probably throw away. This made the diaper cake totally usable for my daughter. I enjoyed making this cake so much I have recently made another for my cousin.
Girl diaper cake submitted to gallery by:
Kelly U. from Grand Island, New York

This diaper cake took some time as I made it while my infant daughter slept. This was my first, but I would like to make some more. She is having a girl, and I thought the tulle made a nice statement, as her theme is very frilly.
Photo submitted to gallery by:
Mary T. from Queen Creek, Arizona

Here is a diaper cake I made for my sister-in-law. It was filled with hidden gifts.
Girl diaper cake submitted to gallery by:
Judy H. from Jacksonville, Florida

This is my first diaper cake. It was so much fun to make, and it was a big hit at my niece's shower. I used MANY diapers, small baby animals, flowers and ribbon. The top was a cute pink poodle.
Photo submitted to gallery by:
Regi R. from Kenya;

I made this diaper-cake for my sister-in-law. I was totally blank as to what to get her until I came across this website and realized, from all the inspired creations shared by other people - I could make one too! I can hardly wait to see the look on the ladies at the shower tomorrow. I'm so excited!
Girl diaper cake submitted to gallery by:
Elizabeth G. from Cobbtown, Georgia

Here is the first diaper cake I have ever made. It took about 30 minutes or so. I may eventually add a couple other items. I'm pretty happy on how it turned out.
44 Luvs diapers for the 1st layer
24 Luvs diapers for the 2nd layer 8 Luvs diapers for the 3rd layer
(all rolled up with clear tape)
1 8 oz. Huggies Baby Lotion
1 8 oz. Johnson's Baby Oil
3 Receiving Blankets - FROSTING
Additional Items to Fill-in.
The lotion and baby oil in center hold together the tiers of cake. 3 flowered receiving blankets to give "frosted" cake look. I wrapped layers of diapers with receiving blankets, tied 2.5" wire ribbon around 1st & 2nd Layer and made a bow. I tucked in Johnson's Baby Shampoo 1.5 oz., Head-to-toe Baby Wash 1 oz., 2 Johnson's Baby Lotions 1 oz., Johnson's Baby Powder 1.5 oz., Desitin Sample Cream, Johnson's Soothing Sample Lotion, Johnson's Head-to-toe 15 oz. Baby Wash, 8 Wash Cloths, Teething Keys & Ring. Topped with 8 more Wash Cloths & Cleaning Buddy tied with a pink ribbon. Place "cake" on a silver cake platter. Finally, I wrapped it in cellophane and pink curling ribbon.
Photo submitted to gallery by:
Irene from the United States

2 Bottles (8 oz. on the bottom, 4 oz. on the top)5 pack of baby bibs
80 pack of Target brand diapers
various party favors and decorations
This was for my sister's baby shower. She had already received a lot of the necessities for baby...lotions, teething rings etc. So I decided I wanted a cake that was a little less themed with so much baby stuff and wanted something that looked a little more like an actual cake. I placed bibs on the bottom of my platter and centered the diapers around bottles. The "cake topper" is actually an ink pen that says "It's a girl", my sister used the pen at work. Everything else was just to be pretty. It all cost about 25 dollars!
Girl photo submitted to gallery by:
Stephanie H. from Mission, Kansas

To make this diaper cake, I rolled up disposable diapers, used rubber bands to keep them together and around an empty paper towel roll. Put on a cake round, decorated that. On top, used onesies, folded over, then secured with ribbon. Diaper cream sits inside. The other layers were decorated with different ribbons.
Girl diaper cake submitted to gallery by:
Melissa L. from Redwood City, California

I have created a couple of diaper cakes. This one I made for my director who is having a girl. I have done different research and added my own touch to these cakes. Enjoy. I hope to get to see these cakes on the website. It was great fun to create these cakes.
Girl gift submitted to gallery by:
Keonna B. from Antioch, California

About 15-20 diapers are needed to make this cake. You will also need
1 hat,
1 onesie( It can say whatever you'd like),
1 pair of booties,
matching ribbon of your choice and flowers.
Girl gift submitted to gallery by:
Shannon from the United States

I came on this website to learn how to make a diaper cake and this is what I came up with. I think it's so cute I want one for myself!
Girl diaper cake submitted to gallery by:
Kristine S. from Vancover, Canada

Girl gift submitted to gallery by:
Melissa P. from Early, Texas

I started by covering a 16 inch cake circle with pink tissue paper. Then rolled the diapers and secured them with rubber bands. Next I created each layer and added the teddy bear ribbon to cover the rubber bands. Then I added a sheer pink ribbon around the top of each layer along with a sparkly purple bow on top. I used a very small dab of hot glue to attach the socks and small pink ribbon tied to dowel rods to add the various baby items.
Girl diaper cake submitted to gallery by:
Deborah B. from Faro, Portugal

Now I have started I can't stop and each experiment is a new delight. I am selling them out of a local shop and so far I think it is costing me money. LOL!
Girl diaper cake submitted to gallery by:
Angie E. from SC, United States

This diaper cake was made for a friend's daughter's first baby girl. I used approximately 100 premium disposable diapers, each rolled and secured with rubber bands. I used a 10" cardboard cake board as the base of the second tier. Once preparing my second tier of diapers, I place on the cake board making sure to leave about 2 1/2" in exposed board around the tier. I sprayed the exposed board with sticky spray and topped with pink and white shredded paper. I did the same for the top tier, only using an 8" cake board. Used a pink teddy bear and pink daisy as a topper. I wrapped the top and bottom layers with a pink satin bow with pink and polka dot bow inset. The middle layer with the same pink satin bow with an "it's a girl" bow inset. I then hot glued small novelty item, i.e. pink plastic pacifiers, tiny rocking horses, pink daisies, and trial sized baby wash, lotions, and shampoos.
Girl diaper cake submitted to gallery by:
Ashton M. from Woodleaf, North Carolina

I made this diaper cake for my sister-in-law, this is her first baby and I wanted to do something special. This was mine and my mother's first time making a diaper cake and I really enjoyed making it with her. We used about 110 diapers with two 9 oz bottles in the center. I used silk flowers to dress it up and paper confetti to blend it all together and topped it off with a ballet shoe (which is the theme for the nursery).
Girl diaper cake submitted to gallery by:
Angie S. from Lake Worth, FL

Girl diaper cake submitted to gallery by:
Jessica G. from Washington

This cake I just finished for a friend due on 8-8-08. The ingredients are:
35 size 1, and 95 size 2 Pampers Swaddlers
6 pairs of sock roses
14 washcloths
Stuffed doll
Musical stuffed bug
Baby's first Christmas ornament
1 small and 1 large Soothie bottle
2 pacifiers
a pair of ballet slippers
2 pairs of booties
2 dresses
2 sleepers
2 outfits
5 bibs
2 teethers
2 headbands
2 spoon and fork sets
Cucumber melon baby wash and lotion
Travel baby powder
Travel baby lotion
Silk roses
50 ft. of ribbon and a lot of patience!!!!!
Girl diaper cake submitted to gallery by:
Amber E. from Troutdale, Oregon

I made this cake for my husband's cousin... We knew she was having a girl and it is my first girl cake I have made. I think it turned out pretty cute. It is only about 14 inches tall. It had to be portable for a long trip.
Girl diaper cake submitted to gallery by:
Aileen W. from Tampa, Florida

I made a baby girl diaper cake with stuffed animal rattles, rolled up onesies, baby bottles in the center to hold each tier together and pacifiers pinned by baby pins. This was my first diaper cake and enjoyed adding and adding to it. Now my other friend is having a boy, can't wait to see what the next one will look like.
Girl diaper cake submitted to gallery by:
Regina G. from Birmingham, Alabama

This was my first diaper cake I made and when I took it to the baby shower as a gift for the mom to be it had so much attention they took it and used it as a center piece, when I left the shower I had an order for 6 diaper cakes.
Girl diaper cake submitted to gallery by:
Kalliopi. from Athens, Greece

Congratulations on your website! It is a source of inspiration to every creative mom ;-) Although baby showers and diaper cakes are not so common here in Greece, I have starred creating a few diaper cakes for some friends of mine and I would like to share some photos with you. The first one was created with disposable diapers and various toys and embellishments. The last two are eco-friendly, created with biodegradable diapers, organic clothing and accessories.
Girl diaper cake submitted to gallery by:
Melissa S. from Monroe, Ohio

I just wanted to show some of my diaper masterpieces.Thanks!
Girl diaper cake submitted to gallery by:
Melissa S. from Monroe, Ohio

I just wanted to show some of my diaper masterpieces. Thanks!
Girl diaper cake submitted to gallery by:
Ashton F. from Jacksonville, Florida

I wrapped the diapers around small, medium, and large round containers using a rubber band for each layer. Then I attached the ribbon in the center of the diapers, over the rubber band using sewing needles. I then cut bendable ribbon and have pieces going down each side of the cake from the top. Each piece of ribbon is bent to look wavy. Finally, I used a small stuffed animal as the topper. The stuffed animal had a bow tied around it.
Girl diaper cake submitted to gallery by:
Tina P. from Denison, Texas

My son and daughter in law are expecting their first baby in July. They want her theme to be John Deere (which is brown and pink). I made her a no-sew blanket that said Girls drive tractors too. It had a brown John Deere tractor on it. I went with the brown and pink theme for the cake (which was made with the boutique style design) I have noticed many people add TOO much items and make the cake loose it's appearance of an actual cake. I went to the store and purchased several small baby girl items and sparingly placed them on the cake. I bought the items separate for the cake topper and put it together, again, with the pink and brown theme. The white ribbon on the topper says "it's a girl" in brown and also says "it's a girl" in pink.
I then decided to add the brown shredded paper to give the cake an "icing" effect. Which turned out (very pleasant surprise) to resemble coconut! I am a nurse, so of course I had to get my first grand-daughter some clog s (shoes on cake) and add them to the cake as well. I used hot glue to hold everything in place (except for the sleeping baby on side) the pillow her head is on was carefully tucked under the second layer of diapers there are also some small items tied by ribbon and then tied onto the ribbon holding diapers together (this is so they can be moved around to suit the creator). I hope everyone enjoys the picture and hope it does the cake justice. As this was my first diaper cake I have attempted to make. And to my surprise I was pleased with it. I just hope my Son and Daughter-in-law are as well.
Girl diaper cake submitted to gallery by:
Kelly B. from Florida

This was my first ever attempt at making a diaper cake. My sister was pregnant and I wanted to do something special. I love the cake, not bad for a first timer. My sister loves it so much she won't take it apart.
Girl diaper cake submitted to gallery by:
Madeline M. from Brooklyn, New York

I did this cake for my sister in laws shower.
1. It has a diaper cake
2. It has a filled diaper bag
3. I used a high chair in the box created to look like a block
Girl diaper cake submitted to gallery by:
Kathleen D. from Torrington, CT

5 Tier Diaper Cake...
- The base was made from Painting canvas, which I lightly painted/sponged w/grape juice for a pink tint with a sponge print design. I then blew it dry w/ a hair dryer.
- It has 64 Size 1 Diapers
- The core is Huggies refill bag of baby wipes
- There are 2 rubber bands per rolled diaper
I made one layer for the first tier then used a larger elastic to band all around the baby wipe bag. The second tier was the same as first (baby wipe bag still sticking up from first tier as an existing core. Third tier was made using a Large Pillar white candle (for Mom) as the core support. Then wrap diapers around candle. Use larger elastic again to hold together. Follow same directions for Fourth Tier still using candle as center support. Fifth Tier: You will use a medium stuffed animal. In this case a "Glow-Worm" as the center core support. I placed a cheer leader shirt over the Glow-Worm and stuffed the front with two rolled diaper horizontally and also two horizontal diaper in the back.
Pom-Pom Balls were made from Household Duster stick broke down by colors and elastic placed @ base to hold together. Pom-Pom sticks were made w/ wooden stick stirrers as pom-pom sticks. It is held together w/ elastics and attached @ one side to the base of the pom-pom w/ another elastic. Place the stick of a pom-pom in one arm hole of shirt and do the same w/ other side arm hole. Hair tie Bow from cheer-leading outfit was placed on the 4th Tier Center rolled diaper. Using streamers and ribbon, wrap around each tier to cover the Elastic bands which secure each tier layer together. White ribbon were made into curling ribbons and were draped from top to bottom for a nice effect. Shoes were taped to base on each side of cake, also a Box of Kleenex was placed to the back Right corner taped to the base and a shower scrubber ball was placed on the back Left corner. (Kleenex and Bath scrubber ball are for the new mother).
Girl diaper cake submitted to gallery by:
Geri A. from Yuma, AZ

I have just recently taken on the hobby of making Diaper cakes, I am getting great reviews. I love to make them. I find them so relaxing.
Girl diaper cake submitted to gallery by:
Geri A. from Yuma, AZ

Girl diaper cake submitted to gallery by:
Andrea from Justice, IL

Pink Passion- instead of receiving blankets- I used easy and low cost scrapbooking paper, cut to size and held together with clear scotch tape. All together it cost be about $30 to make, including the onesies, wash towels and socks. Dollar tree can be a great friend!
Girl diaper cake submitted to gallery by:
Lisa from NSW, Australia

Hi my name is Lisa from NSW in Australia and this is my first attempt at a nappy cake! Thanks to your website for some great ideas and tips. I love the fact that you can cater your design to your budget. I used both disposable and cloth nappies as I am not sure which the mummy will be using and I didn't want to ruin the surprise by asking! It turned out well as the disposable nappies are shorter so it gave a lot of room to hide the gifts in between layers.
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