Our Gallery Of Nappy Cakes
Diaper and nappy cakes are wonderful ways to give useful items to a new mom. Use our creative ideas to create your own masterpiece.
We have other categories of diaper cakes in the index below.
Join other readers by sharing your cake ideas with us! Share them with us here.
Boy Toy Cake Index
Why should you buy a diaper cake on eBay?
- Great Prices! Most sellers are work at home moms with little overhead.
- You don't need to worry about being burned. The seller rating speaks for itself.
- Great selection! Get a professionally designed cake to match almost any theme.
Nappy cakes submitted to gallery by:
Nisha W from Las Vegas, Nevada

I love to make diaper cakes for baby showers. They are the best way to give baby gifts. This cake was made with 75 size 2 diapers. This was for a baby that was around 2 months so I wanted to make sure the diapers were big enough to still fit. I used a cardboard base with each layer to help with stability. I wanted to make a really cute cake for a boy because it seems like girls always get the cute stuff. I put a soft toy truck on the top and light up trucks around the cake. I also used a package of onesies. The top onesie says, " I love my toys." It was a hit with the mother.
Nappy cakes submitted to gallery by:
Bethany T. from Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Nappy cakes submitted to gallery by:
Wendy W. from Howard City, Michigan

These diapers are decorated with puppy coordinating items.
Nappy cakes submitted to gallery by:
Wendy W. from Howard City, Michigan

Nappy cakes submitted to gallery by:
Nini S. from Calgary, Alberta Canada

My first ever diaper cake for a baby boy!!! This is a three tier cake made with size one Huggies diapers; around each layer is a receiving blanket secured with diaper pins on the backside. Bath toys and rings decorate the outside with teddy bear stacking rings on top!!!
Nappy cakes submitted to gallery by:
Regi R. from Nairobi, Kenya

This is the first diaper cake I'm doing 'commercially'. My friend needed a something unique to take to her colleagues shower and asked me to do one for her. It is also my first boy cake and it was fun making it. It has lots of little baby treasures tucked inside that I trust the mother will have fun discovering. I wrapped it with light blue tulle to add some mystery. Thanks to this website I can learn and share (and hopefully make some money LOL!)
Nappy cakes submitted to gallery by:
Amy from Guelph, Ontario Canada

This is a John Deere Cake - perfect for your little man that loves tractors!!!
Nappy cakes submitted to gallery by:
Sandra R. from Ottawa, Ontario Canada

I loved your ideas & photos about Diaper cakes. I had never seen one before and as I am going to be a Grandma twice this year, decided to try making two.
Nappy cakes submitted to gallery by:
Inga from the United States

I just wanted to show some of our designs. Hope you like them. BabyFavorsAndGifts.com
Nappy cakes submitted to gallery by:
Inga from the United States

I just wanted to show some of our designs. Hope you like them. BabyFavorsAndGifts.com
Nappy cakes submitted to gallery by:
Inga from the United States

Nappy cakes submitted to gallery by:
Inga from The United States

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