Noahs Ark Cake Photo Gallery
This section of our photo gallery is dedicated to Noahs Ark Cakes. If you are inspired to make a cake, we hope you will share the photos with us. We would love to see them!
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Noahs Ark Index
Why should you buy a cake pan on eBay?
- Why pay full price if you will only use the cake pan once or twice?
- You don't need to worry about being burned. The seller rating speaks for itself.
- Great selection! Chances are if the cake pan exists, you will find it on eBay.
Noahs Ark photo submitted to gallery by:
Bernadette C. from Rankin Inlet, Nunavut Canada

After putting your cakes together, freeze before icing. Layer the white icing and spread smooth with dampened spatula. Refreeze. Outline with toothpick then outline with icing. Do small stars in the large areas and flatten down icing with finger dipped in cornstarch for the animal faces and bodies. Pipe lots of stars on the sides of the cake. When everything is completed re-outline with dark icing.
Noahs Ark Cake submitted to gallery by:
Amanda O. from Newark, Delaware

I threw my friend a Noah's Ark shower. I bought the Fisher Price Little People Noah's Ark to decorate it. While I would love to take credit for the cake, it was the baker's creativity at my local cake shop that created this amazing dessert!
Noahs Ark photo submitted to gallery by:
Julie M. from Rochester, New York

I love this noahs ark cake sent in by our reader Julie! The bottom layer was made using a 10 inch cake pan. For the ark, she did 2- 5x7 oval layers and a loaf pan cake. To make the roof for the ark, she leaned 2 graham crackers together. The ship and roof were all iced with chocolate buttercream. She used a decorating comb to get the lines on teh side. Yumm! She used a blue buttercream for the bottom layer to resemble water. I love the waves! She used a spatula and a spoon to get the wave look. She also did c shaped scrolls around the ship to resemble waves around it. Cute!
She said that her favorite part of the cake/cupcakes were the animals. They were all made using icing that were colored to the shades she needed. She said she started with a large round tip to make the base shape and then switched to smaller round tips to make the details on them. She used a #3 tip to make the snakes, mice and birds and a star tip to make the lambs. The cupcakes were a carrot cake with a cream cheese frosting. Sounds as yummy as they are cute! Thanks for sharing them with us Julie!
Noahs ark cake submitted to gallery by:
Rosa M. from Westbury, New York

Rosa sent in this fun cake and instructions to make it. So cute! First she baked 1 10 inch, 1 8 inch and 1 5 inch cake. Af ter cutting, and filling the cakes, she added a thin crumb coat of frosting around it put it in the refrigerator to set. While it was setting, she made fondant and kneaded in the colors until it was soft and workable. She rolled the fondant out on a counter with powdered sugar until it was larger than each layer. She carefully laid the fondant over each layer and used her hands and a smoothing tool to smooth it out. To keep everything stable when stacking, she used different sized wooden dowels and buttercream in-between the layers. She then decorated with fondant and cookie cuttters. Th animals were made using gumpaste. She said that gel coloring gave good color coverage with the fondant without watering it down. Thanks for the tips Rosa! It turned out beautifully!
Photo submitted to gallery by:
Tiffany G. from Nampa, Idaho

I made this cake for my daughter. I used two cake mixes, a 9x13 cake and a cake baked in a football pan. I cut the 9x13 cake into a square. This piece was for the boat to sit upon. I frosted this blue and white for the water.
The other piece was what was left after cutting my square. I cut this piece in half and used it for my ark by placing it on top of the football cake. First place the football cake upside down on top of the already frosted square cake. Then place the small cake piece on top of the football boat. I frosted these with chocolate frosting. I used two graham crackers for the roof of the ark then frosted them. When you are finished building the ark and frosting the main colors then I added detail. Finish with plastic animals, I found mine at a craft store.
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