Disposable Diaper Cake Photos and Tips
You can create a beautiful disposable diaper cake! Our instructions and ideas will show you how.
This category has angel themed cakes in it. View the other categories in the index below.
Angel Cake Index
Why should you buy a diaper cake on eBay?
- Great Prices! Most sellers are work at home moms with little overhead.
- You don't need to worry about being burned. The seller rating speaks for itself.
- Great selection! Get a professionally designed cake to match almost any theme.
Disposable diaper photo submitted to gallery by:
Meg S. from Preston, Idaho

I made this diaper cake for my sister and her husband for their first baby. They are singers and the baby is going to be a girl so I came up with the idea of having singing angels for their diaper cake. It is 3 layers tall. I used baby sock roses as microphones and washcloth lollipops for the heads of the angels. Since Halloween is coming up, I also made angel wings and a halo with arm straps for the baby's Halloween pictures. I used the instructions on this website for the rolled diaper cake design and baby sock roses.
Disposable diaper photo submitted to gallery by:
Angie S. from Lake Worth, FL

Disposable diaper photo submitted to gallery by:
Rebekah G. from Richardson, Texas

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